Our News items
Mother's Day event, by Miss Ashley
Science Week In Class One, by Miss Ashley
Sowing the seeds..., by Mr Davies
Our new 'Oasis' classroom!!, by Mrs Ward
ARTSMARK SILVER!!!!!, by Mrs Ward
Class 2 Traffic Survey, by Mr Davies
Get Cycling into Schools!, by Mrs Ward
The Great Fire of London, by Miss Ashley
Grow your own pumpkin, by Miss Ashley
Swimming Lessons This Term, by Mr Davies
New Vic Theatre-The Nutcracker!, by Mrs Ward
Nutcracker Art Project 2023, by Mrs Ward
Bikeability, by Mrs Ward
New School Guinea Pigs!, by Mrs Ward
Rags2Riches Donation, by Mrs Ward
FOWS Donation!!, by Mrs Ward
Y6 Tennis Event, by Mrs Ward
Cross Country Event, by Mrs Ward
MacMillan Coffee Afternoon, by Mrs Ward
Harvest Festival 2023, by Mrs Ward
Hansel and Gretel, by Mr Davies
Sensory Room, by Mrs Ward
Reception Transition Day 2023, by Mrs Ward
Regular Reads Book Winners!, by Mrs Ward
Swimming Gala, by Mrs Ward