Our News items
Jubilee Tea Party, by Miss Birch
Woore Reading Club Meets for the First Time, by Mr Davies
Book Winners-regular readers!, by Mrs Ward
Dodgeball Competition 2022, by Mr Davies
Schools' Gotta Dance Show, by Mrs Ward
Stepping Out Pedestrian Training Y3-5, by Mrs Ward
Heartstart First Aid Training-Class 3, by Mrs Ward
HS2 Safety Play, by Mrs Ward
Author Retweet!, by Miss Birch
Gymnastics Competition, by Mr Davies
New Library Leaders!, by Mrs Ward
Sharp Shooters!, by Mr Davies
Something to celebrate!, by Miss Birch
A very special visitor!, by Mrs Ward
A Very Special Visitor!, by Mrs Ward
A Special Visitor!, by Mrs Ward
Cross Country Competition!, by Mrs Ward
Children in Need Donations-Thank you!, by Mrs Ward
Swimming Awards!, by Mrs Ward
Harvest Fancy Dress Competition 2021, by Mrs Ward
Harvest Assembly 2021, by Mrs Ward
Class 1 Local Area Walk, by Miss Holland
Bike and Scooter Racks, by Mrs Ward
Open Evening-New Reception September 2022, by Mrs Ward
Newly Qualified Sports Leaders!, by Miss Birch