Class 3 2024 - 2025
Mr Dennett
A warm Woore welcome to our class page!
We hope you enjoy discovering what we have been up to this year so far! We are a hard-working, inquisitive and caring classroom that love to create, explore, write, imagine and discover. Our teacher is Mr Dennett and our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Battrick and Miss Pegg.
Please find information regarding what we will be learning about this half term in Class 3 as well as our time table for the week below. We organise our learning on a 2-Year rolling Cycle so that we are able to ensure all learning objectives are covered despite being a mixed-age class.
To support your child at home, we encourage you to complete homework, which is set on Friday and usually consists of a Maths Shed activity and a Spelling Shed activity to consolidate learning in the classroom from that week. In addition to this, it is important that children are fluent and confident with their times tables and can answer questions automatically without counting. Please log onto Times Table Rockstars to practise these at home or play Hit the Button games online.
"There is more treasure found in books than in all the pirates' loot on Treasure Island". To ensure your child becomes a fluent, confident and capable reader, please encourage your child to read as much as they possibly can at home. Each time they have read, your child will receive a star to add to their reading rocket in their reading record book. Once they have completed their rocket, they win a prize! Regular readers will also be entered into a prize draw each half term to win a book.
Forest School will be taking place on Tuesday afternoons so please ensure your children have appropriate outdoor clothing. PE is taught on Fridays so ensure kits are worn on these days.
Please ensure your child has a clean water bottle in school everyday, that goes home at the end of each day.
Thank you
Mr Dennett
Files to Download
Class 3: News items
Science Week 10-14th March, by Mrs Ward
Sportshall Athletics Team, by Mr Davies
Class 3: Blog items
Circulatory system - forest school style!, by Mrs Battrick
Author Visit, by Mr Dennett
Greek Myths, by Mr Dennett
Class 3: Gallery items
School's Gotta Dance Show 2025, by Mrs Ward
Woore-hammer Club, by Mr Davies
A visit from the man in red!, by Mrs Ward