Nursery 2024 - 2025
Mrs Roberts
Welcome to Nursery
Our Nursery Leader is Dawn Roberts who teaches across the full week. The other practitioners in Nursery are Mrs Emma Simcock and Mrs Davina Oliver.
A little Welcome from the team:
The Nursery-
Each day Nursery children should bring a water bottle and a change of clothing in case of accidents. For our youngest children, if still required, nappies, wipes and nappy sacs also.
Nursery children attend a variety of sessions, some full time, others a few days or a few sessions across the week. We try our best to mix our timetable so all children experience different areas of learning including music, music and movement and physical development. The only exception to this is Forest School. We attend our on site Forest School on Thursday afternoons. Children who attend Nursery on Thursdays should bring their Forest School kit (waterproofs and wellies) to change into with a separate bag for muddy wellies. As with all items brought into school, including school uniform, spare clothes and water bottles, please ensure all items are clearly labelled with your child's name.
We share our learning and news through Class Dojo. Please login to see our updates. As part of our Learning Partnership we would love to hear and share your child's news too. Please upload photos, messages and news of your child's milestones, WOW moments, learning or adventures.
You will also find our recent news on this website page through our blogs, news items and galleries. Our children and news also sometimes features on our school and nursery Facebook page, please search us- @wooreprimaryandnurseryschoolnews
Files to Download
Nursery: News items
Pupil Highlight! Donation, by Mrs Ward
Collective Vision Trust, by Mrs Ward
Pumpkin Competition, by Miss Ashley
Nursery: Blog items
Nursery: Gallery items
Chinese New Year, by Mrs Ward
A visit from the man in red!, by Mrs Ward
'Twas the Night before Christmas', by Mrs Ward