Our News items
Christmas Activities and events in the village, by Mrs Ward
Children in Need, by Mrs Ward
Operation Christmas Child, by Mrs Ward
We've got a job to do!, by Mr Davies
Reggio in Class 1 and Nursery, by Mrs Underwood
Goblin Event 2017, by Mrs Ward
Bikeability, by Mrs Ward
Sainsburys GOLD award 2016-17!, by Mrs Ward
Arthog, by Miss Kemp
SATs Week, by Miss Kemp
New Ofsted Report, by Mrs Ward
Music Assembly March 2017, by Mrs Ward
Year 6 Maths Revision, by Miss Kemp
Trip to the Fire Station, by Mrs Underwood
Year 6 SATs Boosters, by Miss Kemp
Landscaping Work Party, by Mrs Ward
Revision Sessions, by Miss Birch
Online Gaming and E-Safety Help and Advice, by Miss Kemp
Cricket for Year 3, by Miss Birch
Gymnastics Success, by Mrs Ward
Chinese Restaurant Role Play, by Mrs Ward
Harvest, by Mrs Ward
CBeebies Filming, by Mrs Ward
MacMillan Coffee Morning, by Mrs Ward
Phonics Talk, by Mrs Ward