Design & Technology
At Woore Primary and Nursery School we ensure that a progressive D&T curriculum is in place for all of the children. This enables them to learn about the world of design, explore materials, methods and making techniques and embark on their own designs and products. Evaluation and exploration is key to successful learning.
We use the guidance and planning from the Design & Technology Association as the basis for our Design and Technology lessons. We use 'Projects on a Page' across the school to ensure we deliver high quality lessons. Our two year rolling programme ensures statutory curriculum coverage and progression of skills as the children move up the school.
Throughout our units of work we aim for children to develop knowledge of:
- User - who the products are for
- Purpose - what tasks the products will perform
- Functionality - how the products will work
- Design Decisions - the opportunities children have to make
choice - Innovation - the scope children have to be original with their
thinking - Authenticity - how believable/real the products will be to the
The children have the opportunity to experience structures, textiles, mechanisms, computer control and cooking and nutrition on a two year rolling programme.