Testing, Testing...
Date: 20th Oct 2017 @ 8:00pm
It's been a busy week of assessments, and the children have certainly earned their half-term break. Your child will have brought home a pack with their tests in, for them to share with you what they have been up to. If you could find the time to go through these assessments together, this would be really helpful. If you have any questions about the tests, then please let me know. Please bear in mind that we are still very early in the year and that there is still a lot of work to do. Year 6 in particular have sat difficult tests, based on last year's SATs, and so should be proud of what they have achieved so far.
Apart form tests, the week has been memorable for our trip to Shrewsbury to see Awful Auntie. Even with the disappointment of missing the ending, we still had a great time.
Finally, can I say a big 'thank you' for all the wonderful projects that have come into school this week. They look (and taste!) amazing. We will be sharing them with the class after half-term, and I hope to share photos of the children and their work, when that happens.
Thank you and enjoy the break!