Spiders in Forest School
Date: 16th Sep 2018 @ 10:12am
This week Mrs Booth taught us all about spiders in our Forest School session. We learnt about how they spin their webs, the different species we might find in our houses and we also had a go at building our own webs!
In English we have been looking at what it would have been like for children in the War. We have talked about evacuation but also, what it would have been like for those children who had to stay in the cities.
As part of our topic we had a go at making gas mask boxes. We used our knowledge of nets from Maths to help us with this. It was hard work but we got there in the end!
In Friday we continued looking at how to upload material to the net safely. The videos we are looking at can be found here:
This week we have also started our daily mile sessions. Straight after assembly, we head off to the playground to spend 15 minutes running and walking. We have worked out that 18 laps of the netball court is a mile, so we all have something to aim at. Mrs McBride and myself also run round, and although we are tired afterwards, I have noticed that concentration is really good for the rest of the session. It also means we can have another roastie from Mrs Underwood at lunch!