Our First Whole Week!
Date: 12th Sep 2021 @ 11:59am
Phew! Our first whole week is done! It has been, as you can imagine, very busy, and I think we were all looking forward to the weekend by Friday afternoon! But it has been a very productive week: we have learnt lots about the Tudor family tree - the children are much better at remembering all of Henry's wives than me! We have been sharpening up on place value in Maths, with Year 2 looking at 10s and 1s, whilst Year 3 easily got to grips with 100s! In English, we have been writing exciting sentences, and I have been blown away with the handwriting that I have seen! In art, we have been studying the Mona Lisa, and the children had a go at drawing a self-portrait. In PSHE we talked about keeping safe on the roads and how to use different crossings and their names (do we all know what a Puffin crossing is?!).
The big event was certainly swimming. I was so proud of the way the children behaved and waited for their turn as we assessed their starting points. This wekk we will be in the pool for the whole hour and I'm sure we will retirn to school tired and hungry!
A quick reminder that there is MyMaths and Spelling Shed homework weekly, that the children will certainly need waterproofs in Forest School and PE kits for Thursdays.
If you have any questions, please send me a message on ClassDojo.