Maps, Fractions and Planets
Date: 2nd Dec 2018 @ 3:36pm
Our work on fractions is moving towards using decimals and percentages to express fractions of amounts. This sort of topic lends itself to real life examples; money is good for this, so maybe mention it in passing!
In English, we are writing an epic story! I have been really pleased with the children's efforts and their imaginations are firing on all cylinders!
In Science, we followed on from last week's Dr Who-themed lesson, to continue our exploration of the solar system. We recapped on the order of the planets as we move away from the sun, and also learnt facts about each planet. In Geography we continued are work on maps by looking at OS maps and the sort of symbols they use. We even had a go at designing our own.
Rehearsals continue for the Christmas play, and you should have had details about costumes by now. If there are any problems please let me know.