Lighthouse Keeper's Sandwiches!
Date: 6th Jul 2021 @ 10:02am
This week, Class 1 have finally made their Lighthouse Keeper's Sandwiches as part of their D&T work linked to the Lighthouse Keeper's lunch. At the beginning of the unit we explored lots of different sandwich fillings, including mustard-just like in the Lighthouse sandwiches! Then we designed our very own sandwiches using a choice of different breads and a range of sandwich fillings.
The children were really excited to make their sandwiches, some had clearly done this before at home, and some clearly not!!! Cutting the bread in half appeared to be the greatest challenge for the children!
Of course after they were made the children got to try them and then evaluated their product thinking what they might do next time to make their sandwiches even better!
Well done children!!