Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived
Date: 21st Jan 2018 @ 11:30am
Yes, this week we took a look at Henry VIII in our Topic lesson. The children showed lots of prior knowledge and a real interest in finding out more about one of our most famous monarchs. We are going to use all this knowledge in our English writing next week, as we continue with writing newspapers.
In Maths we have been looking at perimeter and how to calculate missing sides from rectangles. We struggled a bit at first, but eventually we got there, thanks to some real determination and resilience!
In geography we have been learning about who the UK trades with and what we import and export. We even looked at where our food and clothes come from.
We had Forest School with Mrs Booth this week, and also again on Tuesday. Please make sure that the children have warm clothes and waterproofs; the weather has given it dry, but it is very wet and cold down there, as some of us found out this week!